Combined Cadet Force (CCF)
We do not, as yet, have a general section which explains the role and importance of the CCF to school life but if you would like to contribute such a piece please send it to the Webmaster. However, we do have valued contributions in the form of recollections from Mike Evans and Nick Ratnieks ( particulary amusing - Ed ) which are reproduced below - just click on the links to open them.

Back Row: Cdt Cpl Rann Kearns Curtis Soper Cdt Sgt Soper Cdt CQMS Cairns Cdt L/Cpl Duncan Cdt L/Cpl Stibbon Cdt Sgt Humby Cdt Sgt Sanders Centre Row: Knight Pugh Reed Wallington Cdt CSM Barham Bender Burner Yates Brushwood Loveridge Riley Front Row: Lelliot (?) French Males Surry Major H W Cummins Capt A C D Ingram Cannon Bran (?) Kettle Harwood
Seated on ground: Ball Wratten

CCF Camp 1951
Standing: N/K, Cdt Cpl Cannon, N/K, Cdt L/Cpl Surry
Kneeling: N/K, Cdt L/Cpl Kearns (? )

RAF Oakington 1963
Back row: Baverstock, Hewitt, Donald Eldridge, Blenkinsop (? a nickname), ??, Stephen Helms
Front row: Dave Pocock, ??, Kirk?, Flt Lt Shimwell (also woodwork master), Ken Rowlands, ??

RAF Lindholme 1965
Back row: Stephen Helms, ??, Flt Lt Shimwell (also woodwork master), ??, ??,
Front row: ??, ??, ??, Pavey, Newman(?)